The King Rhino provides 94 Kamura Points after each quest or expedition. Complete Economic Stimulation with King Rhino Rondine will require you to collect some account items, including a King Rhino, for her to unlock another submarine for your trading needs at the Argosy. Otherwise, you need to reach 3 star hub quests and then do the four star urgent quest. Effect Summary Account item that gives points. by reconvening the Sinister Six: Sandman and Rhino escape from prison.

This is for when you like doing village first or playing solo. But since this offer would result in the Goblin King's rise to power to destroy. Monster Hunter Rise s Economic Stimulation Request sends players to collect one King Rhino, three Rock Roses, and three Bismuth Prisms, and fans that retrieve all of these items will. You can reach 6 star village quests and after completing 3 special test quests you will unlock high rank. To be able to go on the Economic Stimulation quest you will need to first reach high rank. Unlock Third Argosy Submarine Slot – Economic Stimulation Request King Rhino Monster Hunter Rise account item can be gathered either before these two or after. Check out the maps showing locations of both and prepare to do some gathering runs because unlocking that extra submarine is real handy.

They are inside Iridescent Ore gathering points that are found on both levels of this map. Bismuth Prism can be found on Lava Caverns map. These are located under special items when in detailed map view. Rock Roses are found on Sandy plains inside Desert Rose nodes.
King rhino monster hunter rise how to#